Milorad Radakovic
VPHA Conference organiser and Past President & delegate with EVERI/FVE
Milorad Radakovic graduate of University of Zagreb, Croatia (1989). The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and Certificate in Veterinary Public Health (VPH) obtained by examination. VPH course organiser at the Vet School, University of Cambridge.
Work experience varies from small to large animal practice with most in VPH sector. For 12 years worked as Veterinary Adviser and Head of Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) Coordination and Veterinary Advice branch for the Food Standards Agency Policy Department. Liaison with DEFRA and other government departments and academic institutions, nationally and internationally. Conducted FVO audits in EU and South America.
Given a number of presentations on public health and links to animal health and welfare on behalf of the UK Government and EU institutions. Until 2014 first ever OIE UK National Focal Point for Animal Production Food Safety. Acted as a veterinary witness in several high profile court cases.
Interested in multidisciplinary work: Risk analysis (assessment / management /communication), practical application including official veterinary (and other) controls within VPH / One Health teaching concept. Links between public health – food security (quantity& quality & safety) with animal health and animal welfare. Past VPHA President. Since 2022 President of the European Veterinarians in Education, Research and Industry EVERI section of Federation of Veterinarians of Europe.