For over 40 years the VPHA has been an active part of the representative body for veterinarians across Europe – the Federation of Vets of Europe (FVE). The FVE represents the interests of all European veterinarians and actively lobbies Governments and the EU Commission working hard to ensure that the veterinary voice is expertly represented in the creation of legislation and policy.

The FVE is the umbrella organisation for specialist divisions called Sections – these include practitioners (UEVP), those vets working in industry, education and research (EVERI), Veterinary Public Health (UEVH) and State Veterinary Medicine (EASVO). The VPHA has been well-represented in all these Sections over many years and, as a result, is the pre-eminent UK veterinary body engaged with the FVE on all matters relating to VPH which covers all activities of veterinary science and medicine.

Ultimately, the UK must implement EU legislation for the purposes of international trade, mutual recognition and animal health and welfare and it is thus incumbent upon the VPHA to ensure that the interests of the UK VPH vets are well represented. By being in the centre of the European legislative process the VPHA makes sure that the British veterinary voice is well-respected and our views considered and incorporated in the development of European regulation.

Two current VPHA members (and past VPHA Presidents) hold key role within FVE:

  • Dr Jason Aldiss is president of the Union of European Veterinary Hygienists (UEVH), Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE).
  • Dr Milorad Radakovic is president of the European Veterinarians Education, Research and Industry (EVERI), Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE).

Visit for more information.


EVERI paper on “Veterinarians employed in industry”

Paper on “Veterinarians employed in industry” - Infographic